Delivered 13.87% average annual returns between CY 2014 & 2019
Muted returns in CY 2020
& over 40% returns in FY 2020 - 21

South India's first depository participant

Filing complaints on SCORES - Easy & Quick
a. Register on SCORES portal
b. Mandatory details for filing complaints on SCORES: Name, PAN, Address, Mobile number, email id
c. Benefits:
(i) Effective Communication (ii) Speedy redressal of the grievances
Alert for our Demat Account holders:
Our demat account holders are advised to add / update their mobile number, email address and Income range with us immediately as it is a mandatory requirement to update the said information of all demat account holder on or before 31.12.2021
Link to access SEBI SCORES portal (for grievances pertaining to NSDL.NSE)
Annexure A - Investor Grievance Redressal mechanism - Escalation Matrix.
Link for ODR Portal